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WWW: writing well on the web


WWW: writing well on the web

Aug 21, 2003By Voltaire Santos Miran

Check out Wordbiz’s tips for writing good copy. Unlike the authors, I don’t think that too much education makes for bad copy; I think developing a conversational style has more to do with having a good ear than having a degree-free resume. Nonetheless, there’s good stuff here.

  • Voltaire Santos Miran EVP, Web Strategy I've developed and implemented communication strategies in education for more than 20 years now. I think my team at mStoner is the smartest, funniest, and coolest group of colleagues ever, and I can't imagine being anywhere else. Except Barcelona. Or Paris. Or Istanbul. To quote Isak Dinesen, "the cure for everything is salt ... tears, sweat, and the sea."