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mStonerblog & Pwireframing Featured On Smashing Magazine


mStonerblog & Pwireframing Featured On Smashing Magazine

Sep 01, 2009By Voltaire Santos Miran

It’s not every day that you can open up one of your favorite online design resources and see the writing of one of your co-workers featured, but today was no ordinary day. We were honored to see Doug Gapinskis excellent blog post on the paper wireframing work included in a fantastic article in Smashing Magazine, entitled “35 Excellent Wireframing Resources.”

For those of you who want to jump directly into the good stuff, here’s the Pwireframing article.

  • Voltaire Santos Miran EVP, Web Strategy I've developed and implemented communication strategies in education for more than 20 years now. I think my team at mStoner is the smartest, funniest, and coolest group of colleagues ever, and I can't imagine being anywhere else. Except Barcelona. Or Paris. Or Istanbul. To quote Isak Dinesen, "the cure for everything is salt ... tears, sweat, and the sea."