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mStoner takes over Higher Ed Live


mStoner takes over Higher Ed Live

Mar 21, 2012By mStoner Staff

Last week could have been dubbed “mStoner week” on Higher Ed Live, a live weekly web show network exclusively focused on the world of higher education. 

I really enjoyed my conversation with Ashley Hennigan on AdmissionsLive where we discussed how to use video in student recruitment. 

During our conversation we tweeted out links to a number of research studies and videos. Here is a list of the resources we provided the live viewers.

Research from comScore:

Videos and blog posts:

Susan T. Evans, senior strategist, joined Seth Odell to talk about project management in higher education.

Key takeaways from this episode include:

  • Why it is essential to have a designated project manager. 
  • Project managers need people skills in order to succeed. 
  • Committees are for making decisions, not sharing updates.

Have follow up questions? Leave a comment for Susan or me.